
西元1980年七月二十二日,美國醫師學會(American Medical Association, 簡稱AMA)在芝加哥舉行年會公開承認脊骨神經科醫師其醫療價值及合法地位。數十年來,脊骨神經醫學之科學性及系統之診斷,已被醫界所接受及認可。現今美國醫界包含下列六大醫師體制系統:
  1. 西醫師 Medical Doctor (MD)
  2. 牙醫師Doctor of Dentistry (DDS)
  3. 脊骨神經科醫師Doctor of Chiropractic (DC)
  4. 整骨醫師Doctor of Osteopathic (DO)
  5. 視眼科醫師Optometric Doctor(OD)
  6. 足科醫師Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM)
而脊骨神經科醫師則佔醫師體制系統中之第三大醫師體制系統,人數僅次於西醫師(Medical Doctor, 簡稱MD) 及牙醫師(Doctor of Dentistry, 簡稱DDS)。據統計,全美各州之脊骨神經科醫師已有五、六萬人,遠超過臺灣醫師之總人數,且隨趨勢增加相當快速,世界上已有七十多個國家有脊骨神經科醫師,可見脊骨神經科醫師之普遍性及被需求性。國內脊骨神經科醫師雖屈指可數,但世界各地執行此業務的華人卻不計其數。
近年來,美國脊骨神經醫療快速成長,儼然已成為疼痛及肌肉神經骨骼的專家之一(Neuromusculoskeletal Specialist)。許多美國民眾大量求助於脊骨神經科醫師,因為此科治療能有效降低病人治療療程及求診次數,使得美國聯邦政府保險 (Medicare) 在1997年對脊骨神經科醫療給付大幅提升了百分之十五點五(資料來源:The Federal Register: Vol. 61,No. 227, November 22, 1996 ; and Physician‘s Current Procedural Terminology code(CPT’97), Published by the American Medical Association);且美國總統柯林頓在1997年簽署了一百萬元美金的經費以供脊骨神經科醫學之研究(1997 Omnibus Bill Grants)。故由此可知,脊骨神經科醫療之實用性及發展趨勢。


世界衛生組織(WHO)在1997年一月正式通過世界脊骨神經醫學聯盟(World Federation of Chiropractic, WFC)並承認為非官方組織會員(Non-government Organization, NGO)。其地位與世界醫學學會(World Medical Association)、世界神經科聯盟(World Federation of Neurology)、國際復健醫學聯盟 (International Federation of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) 及世界脊椎外科聯盟 (World Federation of Spine Surgeons)相當,同為國際衛生專業組織,且均為國際醫學組織會議 (Council of International Organizations of Medical Sciences, CIOMS) 之正式會員。而且,世界脊骨神經醫學聯盟(WFC) 與世界衛生組織(WHO) 也正合作進行脊骨神經醫學專業相關之四大研究, 包括: 職業健康、慢性關節病、傳統醫學、及脊骨神經之立法等四個範疇。(請參考下列說明)
The World Federation of Chiropractic, WFC‘s working relationship with the WHO has centered around four major WHO programs which were important to the chiropractic profession:

The Occupational Health Program - The WHO‘s text, Chiropractic Methods in the Prevention and Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders on Occupational Health.

Chronic Rheumatic Diseases Program - An ongoing global low-back initiative researching the comparative effectiveness of chiropractic management.

Traditional Health Care Program- A research that will create the first international database on the various groups of formally trained health professionals and lay healers who practiced manual healing methods.


Health Legislation Program- To providing the WHO and national governments with technical information on how to regulate and recognize the practice of chiropractic.



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